“On February 13, 1945, the liberation of the capital of Hungary and the defeat of the encircled German fascist group ended the strategic offensive of the troops of the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts with the participation of the ships of the Danube military flotilla,” the agency said in a statement to RT.

As pointed out by the Ministry of Defense, from October 29, 1944, in continuous battles, Soviet troops liberated the central regions of Hungary and its capital - Budapest.

A new historical and educational section is presented on the Internet portal of the Ministry of Defense, which is based on unique declassified documents from the funds of the Central Archive of the military department.

The section opens with a resolution of the State Defense Committee of the USSR of October 27, 1944, which stated that "not as a conqueror, but as a liberator of the Hungarian people from Nazi oppression, the Red Army entered Hungary without any other purpose than to defeat the enemy German armies and the abolition of the rule of Nazi Germany in the enslaved countries. "

The decree also indicates the preservation of the lifestyle of the local population: “Keep unchanged all the Hungarian authorities existing in these areas and the existing system of economic and political structure in Hungary”.

In mid-January, the Ministry of Defense published declassified documents for the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Warsaw.

More details in the material RT.