Data confidentiality on Facebook (illustration). - ISOPIX / SIPA

Facebook users will now have access to and can delete personal data collected by websites and applications outside the social network. This was announced by the company on Tuesday.

Research, online shopping: each Internet user will now be able to consult the information gathered by Facebook to target their advertisements. The tool, dubbed “Off-Facebook Activity,” offers “a new level of transparency and control,” said Mark Zuckerberg on his blog.

Giving users control over their data

"As of today, our Off-Facebook Activity tool is available to Facebook users around the world," said the CEO. “We have been working on this for a while because we had to rebuild some of our systems to make this possible. »Users will be invited to consult their data as soon as they visit their accounts, as part of the" confidentiality report "established by the social network.

This tool should make it possible to lift the veil a little on certain practices of Facebook, in particular its techniques to target the advertisements. "Other companies send us activity information on their sites and we use it to show you relevant advertising," said Mark Zuckerberg.

Facebook is looking to restore its image after several scandals over its management of personal data, including the Cambridge Analytica scandal. One of the goals is to "build stronger privacy protections for everyone," said Mark Zuckerberg. In the coming weeks we will encourage nearly two billion people around the world to review their privacy settings. "


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  • Social media
  • High-Tech
  • Publicity
  • Transparency
  • Personal data
  • Facebook