“Today the industry’s task is to formulate a clear and understandable policy, which should be based on the principles of unification and standardization of solutions in order to ensure appropriate profitability and enter mass production. This is the Achilles heel of the industry today, ”RIA Novosti quoted the Russian deputy prime minister.

He called on Roscosmos to ensure the recovery of the industry after the crisis of the 1990s.

“This is an objective lack of funds, and a fascination with the use of the western elemental component base, which led to a halt or movement to the right under the conditions of sanctions. All these things must be taken into account and countered, hedged these risks, ”Borisov explained.

In late December, Borisov noted problems with the development of a military satellite constellation.

In June, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev called for the return of the country's leadership in space for the sake of prestige and national security.