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One of the main problems that smart assistants like Amazon or Google have is that they require a connected home to make more sense. Thus, those who do not have special light bulbs or coffee machines worthy of NASA can barely access some of their functions. Fingerbot , a project that has already largely achieved the funding I was looking for in Kickstarter, aims to solve this with a fairly simple proposal: push the buttons at a distance.

Its own creators define the invention as a "remote finger" , although in reality it is a small robot with a lever capable of pressing switches of all kinds. To do this, it uses a motor that moves a lever - to which different types of appendices can be added depending on the function it will play - when activated from the phone (works via Bluetooth).

Thus, for example, it is possible to place a Fingerbot in the light switch of the living room or the capsule coffee machine and activate any of them with the application. It is also compatible with the Google and Alexa assistant, although for this you need an accessory -Adaprox Bridge- that communicates with the robots when it is not connected by Bluetooth.

The devices are placed with the help of a sticker, a velcro and even a stop that supports when the switch does not have enough space. Its battery, say its creators, charges in an hour and provides about six months of autonomy.

At the moment, the only way to buy one of these remote control appendices is to finance his Kickstarter campaign, which is well above the 17,905 euros he was looking for. It is possible to purchase both an individual Fingerbot ($ 29) and various packages that include additional tools for different buttons or the Adaprox Bridge that allows it to be used from outside the home.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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