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Sample Detail Clicks! , in the Gaviria Palace.

Coinciding with the sample 'Clicks!' organized by the Palacio de Gaviria, we review some anecdotes to learn more about the origin of these nice figures

They have lived all kinds of adventures, expeditions and battles. The simplicity of its design contrasts with the eloquence of the stories they star. And the smile they look today remains one of the clearest hallmarks of these 7.5 cm tall figures.

Playmobil dolls continue to captivate young and old. This is confirmed by the Clicks! , which brings together more than 3,000 figures distributed in ten minute dioramas through which to travel some of the most prominent periods of history: from Pharaonic Egypt, to the Rome of the gladiators, through the Victorian era. Pirates, cowboys and medieval knights also meet in this exhibition, which can be visited until March 1 at the Gaviria Palace (Arenal, 9). Next, some curiosities to know better the origin of these figures.

  • Many years before reaching popularity with the 'clicks', carpenter Hans Beck , inventor of these figures, already made dolls as a gift for his little brothers.
  • Before the appearance of the 'clicks', the first great success of Playmobil came with the launch of the hula hoop in 1958. From this moment, the company expands selling different toys.
  • The 7.5 cm high that these dolls measure is not a casual measure. These dimensions are ideal to fit in a child's hand or inside a pocket.
  • The name of the 'clicks' is an explicit nod to the sound that your pieces make when assembled. Although the dolls with the appearance of women were baptized as 'clacks', this appellation never got completely set.
  • The first female figures join the Playmobil universe in 1976. Five years later a new generation of 5.5 cm boys and girls arrives. In 1984, 3.5 cm babies complete the family.
  • Despite lacking a nose, ears, elbows and knees, the characteristic smile they retain today is the same from their first design.
  • To date, nearly 3,000,000,000 Playmobil figures have been manufactured, according to recent data from the toy maker. If they held hands, they would go around the world ... 3.6 times!
  • Alberto Durero and Martín Lutero are two of the characters that have had their miniature replica. Playmobil has also made special pieces of the Dukes of Cambridge and Angela Merkel but, unfortunately for the collectors, they were not marketed.
  • The Spanish Association of Collectors of Playmobil (Aesclick) managed to enter the history of the Guinness World Records in 2010 . His feat was to gather a whopping 68,808 figures in an exhibition. The previous record was at 35,000.
  • Since 2015, new hockey players give the possibility to bend their arms and legs. Currently, soccer players also incorporate this mechanism.
  • According to the criteria of

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