In a move that reflects the growing competition in the field of quantum computing, which is the most important future developments in the field of information technology, Microsoft «Microsoft», unveiled a new initiative in this area, through which compete «IBM» and «Google», which They have the strongest ongoing contributions to quantum computing so far.

Microsoft's initiative seeks to participate strongly in building the global community of developers and researchers in the field of quantum computing in terms of hardware, systems, applications and software under the slogan «Microsoft Quantum», by taking advantage of its strong infrastructure in the cloud computing «Azur», which will be provided to the community Researchers and developers through the tool «Azur Quantum».

Quantitative computing

Microsoft announced details of its new initiative at its annual technical conference, organized in Orlando, which ends on Friday.

Microsoft's chief executive, Satya Nadella, said that the Azure service and Microsoft's giant cloud infrastructure, spread across 52 huge data centers around the world, have embarked on a journey to quantum computing, along with artificial intelligence, and the concept. Multi-level and multi-level cloud computing.


Nadella said that three major companies involved in Microsoft's financing, implementation and supervision of their new initiative are: Honeywell, IonQ and QCI, pointing out that the first fruits of the initiative is to provide the basic resources necessary to build a developer community. Quantum is a global language, especially the programming language «Qplus» specialized in programming for devices and operating systems of quantitative computers, and the quantitative development tools package «QDK» that enables developers to start the development process, in addition to conducting quantitative simulations on quantum computers, It is a completely open source package, which since its introduction to the community Developers have received 200 downloads by programmers, developers and researchers interested in this field around the world.

"I visit"

"Azure is a fully open cloud ecosystem that seeks to realize the benefits of quantitative computing for people and institutions," Nadela said. He added that programmers and developers can write programs using the language «Qplus», and development tools package for quantitative computing, and then try the code or software that was written on simulators on «Azure», as well as on a variety of computers quantitative experimental within the platform « Azure Cloud ».


For customers or companies and institutions wishing to enter quantum computing, Nadella explained how to solve complex and huge business problems through cloud computing solutions being developed or expected to be launched in the future, pointing out that 72% of private data in the business world has not been analyzed That corresponds to an enormous amount of data now, with 175 zeta bytes of data expected by 2025 (zeta bytes equivalent to 1,000 billion billion bytes of data).

According to Nadella, the most difficult challenge to expect is that these data require more computing power than the most powerful computers currently available.

Encryption efforts start

Microsoft has confirmed that efforts are already under way in its new initiative, Azure Quantum Computing, most notably by cryptographic specialists and pioneers at Microsoft research laboratories. , In order to prepare and prepare customers and data centers globally for the use of insurance for quantitative computing systems and applications.

Another ongoing effort is that the company's Quantum Computing Laboratory at the University of Sydney has made breakthroughs in Q-control technology, the primary data unit used in cloud computing.