Video games are an increasingly inclusive space in terms of the representativeness of the LGTBIQ + collective. And one of the last cases has been Pokémon Go, the virtual reality video game for mobiles produced by Niantic , which could have confirmed that Blanche , leader of Team Wisdom , is non-binary.

It did not go unnoticed among the followers of the game that in the report of Professor Willow reference was made to this character with the pronoun " their ", which in English is a way of indicating that a person is non-binary (the equivalent of " elle " in Spanish). Until that time, the information published in English about Blanche took great care not to refer to his gender, unlike the other characters; Therefore, that " their " seems to confirm that Blanche feels neither a woman nor a man.

"Meet Blanche : Team Wisdom . He's a great, analytical and serious person. He doesn't take jokes well. Pokémon evolution fascinates him. He loses track of time when researching. Coaches, let's make Blanche feel proud during the Global Challege ! "

"Meet Candela : Team Leader Valor . The oldest of the three team leaders. She has charisma, bad temper and speaks with passion. She likes to study ways to strengthen Pokémon . Lefty. Let's make her proud during the Global Challenge , coaches. "

Unfortunately for followers whose language is not English, this detail has been omitted completely in translations into other languages ​​in which the female gender has been chosen to refer to Blanche .

Thus, while Professor Willow's report says " Blanche became visibly upset, which tends to happen when things don't go to their carefully curated plans ", in which there is no indication of their gender, in Spanish they have chosen to call it in Feminine, as you can see in the Spanish translation of the phrase mentioned above: "Blanche was very upset, something that usually happens when things do not go as planned in their plans."

This omission has also been seen in other translations of the same report, such as in French, Portuguese, German and Italian .

Pokémon Go has not confirmed or denied this information. In any case, the news has run like wildfire among fans. Some, in fact, have not hesitated to show their satisfaction because there is a new character of the LGTBIQ + collective in the Pokémon world, as can be said to judge by the comments they have poured on social networks such as Twitter .

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Pokémon GO

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