The prosecution decided against the prosecutor of Lee Seo-hyun (59), the head of Incheon's Seo-gu, Incheon, who was accused of sexually harassing, such as kissing a woman's cheek at a drinking party.

The Incheon District Public Prosecutor's Office for Women's Children (Prosecutor Jeong Eun-hye) said on May 27 that he had been indicted against the head of the ward, which was sent by the police on charges of assault due to professional powers under the Special Law on Punishment of Sexual Violence Crimes.

Lee was charged with improper physical contact on January 11 at a restaurant and karaoke hall in Seo-gu, Incheon, during a dinner to encourage employees of the district's planning and budget room.

Earlier, police secured a statement from one of the female employees who attended the ceremony and sent the prosecutor to the prosecution for prosecution.

The victim was reported to have stated in a police investigation, "I didn't like it and I didn't feel good."

A local group, the Incheon Western Development Council, has accused the head of the district on suspicion of forced assault in late January.

However, the prosecution who sent the case went through reinforcement investigation and dismissed some suspected charges by the head of the district because of insufficient evidence.

The other charges were suspended from prosecution. Suspension of prosecution is a disposition that, even if the alleged crime is admitted, is not brought to trial in consideration of the motives for the crime or the circumstances later.

The prosecution official said, "Some charges received by the head of the ward were acknowledged, but they comprehensively considered the possibility of recidivism and the victim's lack of punishment."

(Photo = Yonhap News)