The netizeners' response has been overshadowed by a 'delivery relief sticker' that prevents the ordered food from opening during delivery.

Recently, many online communities have written articles about some couriers sneaking away from customer food. In particular, consumer disbelief grew even more as the authors who identified themselves as couriers revealed photos of their customers' food.

Recognizing the problem, the owners began to introduce 'delivery security stickers' which were torn when opened. One store that introduced this sticker, "For honest and quantitative delivery, a tamper-resistant sticker is attached to the packaging container," he said. The netizens who received this news welcomed the introduction of stickers with comments such as "I hope every company will use it," should be introduced for hygiene. "

On the contrary, voices are also concerned about the introduction of safe stickers. When it was said that some owners were paid for the sticker, it was consensus that the owners were called only for the purpose of reducing the risk.

Other opinions include "Do you get paid for stickers?", "Customers wear damage, consumers pay more money", and "Must be paid."

'News Pick'.

(Photo = Online Community Capture)