
Suspicion has been raised that a 60-year-old pastor raped more than 10 women in a small Korean church in the United States. I have been brainwashing for a long time using religious authority. The pastor is now pastoring in Korea.

Reporter Han Ji-yeon reports.


A, who lives in California, USA, had sex with Pastor Kim for the first time four years ago.

Pastor Kim forcibly said that it is the will of God.

[Mr. A: I have a certainty that God gives me, so I want you to accept it ... ]

Mr. A, who has attended the church since his teens, insists that he must be obliged to be obediently and monitored by Pastor Kim.

If he did not follow his words, he would go to hell.

[A victim: You are cursed if you quit this church, and your life ends. The pastor was absolute to me and a leader of faith.]

A, who has had a relationship with Pastor Kim for over four years, found out last year that his sister, B, had been doing the same for years.

[B victim (Mr. A's): 'Isn't my brother hurt?' Suddenly, I went to my brother's room. 'you too?' I did (sister answer) 'uh'… ]

I confirmed that 10 women in the church were doing the same thing with Pastor Kim.

Most of them have been tamed and demanded by the pastor for a long time.

Pastor Kim encouraged them to become biblical wives in order to be saved by the Lord.

[Pastor Kim: My most beautiful eyesman who has only one in the world. I miss you so much… ]

After having sex, they were thoroughly monitored.

[Pastor Kim: I've been seeing a man since 11:10 am! bad guy. I'm sure you'll be with somebody. This XX.]

I also asked for money.

[Mr. C: You picked up a good car, and I paid for the lease insurance. To fill that, I even did 'Tujab' and 'Three Jobs']

The US police found no evidence of coercive sexual intercourse, but US courts ordered the pastor to be a dangerous person and banned the victims.

[Professor of the Department of Criminal Psychology, Gyeongsu Univ.

The victims also sued Pastor Kim for Korean prosecutors.

[No-Kyung-Seop Roh / Lawyer: Hierarchy may be possible, and might be adultery by force, in the sense that female believers perceived it as a religious ritual rather than a sexual relation between men and women.]

The reporters made several attempts to contact Pastor Kim who came to Korea for investigation.

[Can't connect to voicemail]

Gyeonggi-do has been visiting the church several times in his pastoral activities but could not meet him.

[Inside Pastor Kim: (Reverend Kim) I was going to preach, but (the reporter) is here (not coming). Pastor is no comment. I'm calling the police. ((Pastor Kim) Where are you?) No How do I tell you that? You know you're under investigation. You can see the result, c.]

Even now, Pastor Kim insists on innocence through sermons.

[Dr. Kim (during YouTube sermon): I asked the investigator to continue this investigation actively and rather quickly.]

He is also intimidated by victims.

[Pastor Kim: I've done nothing like restraining orders. Because I knew everything in my house. House on the top of the mountain. Huh? That was a shame. I didn't see your face properly.]

The prosecution banned Mr. Kim from leaving the country, and after the first summons, the police secured his cell phone and began forensic work.

(Video coverage: Hwang In-seok, Video editing: Lee Jae-sung, VJ: Kim Hyung-jin)