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One of the most widespread mantras on 5G networks is that, once implanted, they will cause cancer to millions of people. A statement lacking any scientific basis that, however, has led to paralyze its implementation in different parts of Switzerland and has caused the United States Government to have had to open an official investigation on the impact on people of this new standard of telecommunications

After a long study by the Federal Communications Commission (FFC), the government has concluded that this new standard is at least as safe as the current 4G and its predecessors: 2G and 3G.

"The FCC will continue to guarantee the health and safety of workers and consumers of wireless technology by maintaining existing levels of exposure to radio frequency, which are among the safest in the world," said the president of this public body, Aljit Pai, popularly known in the United States as the most hated man on the Internet, after his agency gave a binder to the neutrality of the network in the United States.

Following its investigation, the FCC recalls that the results of its investigation have been collated with other federal agencies to conclude that "the scientific evidence available to date does not support that [5G] has adverse effects on human health."

The case of Switzerland

Concern about the effects of 5G on health acquired an international character when several Swiss cantons decided to paralyze the implementation of fifth-generation networks.

Are they harmful to health? Helvetic parliamentarians from different cantons were unable to give a response considered satisfactory and chose to put the brakes on until there are "independent scientific studies" that demonstrate that these telecommunications networks will not be detrimental to people's health.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • U.S
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