
A 40-year-old North Korean woman was found dead at home with her six-year-old son. It seems that it has been a little over two months since I passed away, and all I had to eat was red pepper powder.

First of all, I am a reporter.


This is a rental apartment in Bongcheon-dong, Seoul.

A 42-year-old woman, Han Mo, and her 6-year-old son were found dead here last month.

After months of running out of water, nothing happened and a meter reader came and shook home and called the apartment manager.

Listening to the odor complaint, the apartment manager came to the house and found a hat hidden in the house, forced to open a locked window.

[Apartment Resident: I opened the window like this and it opened. I looked up and found something like a mannequin lying down. I didn't get stuck and stared at the police because it was weird.]

It is estimated that more than two months ago.

Han, a North Korean defector, reportedly had no interaction with his neighbors.

[Apartment Residents: There were people coming and going, and if you say hello, there are a lot of affections. It's too bad.]

Police are known to have not found their own lives or killed.

The home refrigerator was empty and there was no food left behind except for red pepper powder.

In addition, the bank account found at home was said to have been withdrawn until the last 3,858 won.

Police are investigating the situation as a possible cause of their death.

Police sent these bodies to the National Institute of Scientific Investigation to determine the exact cause of death.

(Video coverage: Yang Hyun-cheol, Video editing: Kim Jong-tae)