
Last year, just one year ago, today (21st) is the day KTX crew members were dismissed after 12 years of struggle.

I heard about the past year of those who have returned to the business, and the issue coverage team, Jung Hye-kyung, directly listened to it.


Kim Seung - ha, who came to work early in the morning.

I have been working again for more than half a year, but it is still awkward sometimes.

[Kim, Seung - Ha] / Former Railway Trade Union Branch Officer: I am still unfamiliar sometimes. I'm back here. It is so awkward that friends are scattered around each station and are wearing uniforms. Sometimes I think this is a dream or a birthday.]

KTX crews fought the company for 12 years to keep their promise of full-time conversion, which was not followed by the KTX, and they created a settlement exactly one year ago.

[KTX reinstatement crew: I was at the meeting when I was bringing the kids and I was playing (seeing it) I was in the stomach when I started, but now the struggle is over.

Of the 180 eligible workers to be reinstated to full-time positions, 90 were reinstated first, and 70 others, excluding the twenty who gave up their reinstatement for personal reasons, are expected to return to work in the year.

All work is done as a station attendant, not as a flight attendant.

The full-time employee at the headquarters of the KNRC is due to regulations that can not be made to the crew.

[KTX reinstatement crew: I wanted to go back to the crew instead of the station attendant. I have a hard part, but I feel like I am learning in it and learning a lot.]

This week we will go to the highway toll gate storage farm growth site.

[Kim, Seung-ha / former railway labor union chief: I think it is our duty to take care of all the problems of society and not to end it.

At the end of last year, when the workplace 's Ganghwa 119 surveyed, the Gangwon - do index in the workplace was at a low level of 35 out of 100.

A year ago, KTX crew members became prominent workers in the "Gangjung" job, but efforts to defeat the "gut culture" of Korean society have just begun.

(Video coverage: Cho, Chang-hyun, Image editing: Park Ji-in, VJ: Jung Young-sam)