
Today (25th) morning, the governing ruling party came to the National Assembly early in the day. Draft negotiations for the elimination of private kindergartens are underway. After the discussion is over, comprehensive measures will be announced. In addition to the contents discussed in the past, such as the introduction of the government accounting system, measures to improve the quality of food and to expand the national public kindergartens seem to be included in the comprehensive measures.

I am a reporter.


In addition, the Democratic Party and the government are meeting at the National Assembly Hall to discuss measures to eradicate private kindergartens.

In the Democratic Party, President Hong Young-pyo and Chairman Kim Tae-young of the National Assembly participated in the National Assembly education committee including Park Yong-jin.

Attendees are Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education Yoo Eun-hye and Vice Minister of Education Park Chun-Ran.

It is said that Tangjeong will discuss ways to improve transparency in accounting by introducing Edu Pine, a national accounting system used by public and private kindergartens, to private kindergartens.

In addition, the public agenda of the kindergarten area is also the main agenda, such as expanding the national and public kindergartens which remain at 24% of the number of children.

So far, the so-called "Third Kindergarten Anti-Corruption Act", which the Democratic Party has initiated as a party, included the fact that founders and directors who committed corruption were unable to open kindergartens for a certain period.

As soon as the discussions are finished, the U-government will announce measures together with the education minister and the chairman of the Kim policy.