
Private kindergartens can be divided into two groups: those created by corporations and those created by individuals. There are many private kindergartens established by individuals, but the whole process is much simpler than corporations, so there are many things you can do at will. Financial transparency is even worse.

I am a journalist.


Most of the kindergartens that do not recruit or recruit children are the founders.

Private kindergartens account for 87% of all private kindergartens, and they are easier to create and easier to open than private kindergartens created by corporations.

The current law requires the permission of the school board to close a kindergarten. It is much easier to apply for a private kindergarten.

[Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education Officials: If the founder is a signer or a corporation, there is a corporation. (For closing down) I need to attach a board meeting minutes ... ]

In addition, many of the private kindergartens established by individuals have private expenses and government subsidies in their personal bankbooks, unlike private kindergartens, which usually use corporate bankbooks.

It is said that the director can be useful to the heart.

There are 527 private preschools out of 808 that were found to be corrupt.

More than 65%.

In addition, private kindergartens have to pay 18 billion won for the government subsidies, among which the private kindergarten is 17.3 billion won, or 94%.

This is why high school students are urged to establish a kindergarten just like a junior high school and to conduct transparent accounting surveillance.

(Image editing: Choi Hye-young)