Im Jong-heon, the former deputy director of the Supreme Administrative Court, was found guilty of a trial by lawmaker Hong Il-pyo of the Liberal Democratic Party.

Lim 's arrest warrants included charges against the Hong Kong lawmaker who had been charged with the alleged violation of the Political Fund Act and civil proceedings.

The prosecution is reporting that Hong has given a kind of reward to the Hong Kong lawmaker who initiated the Supreme Court settlement bill.

In his prosecution investigation, Im said, "I met with Hong and explained how to deal with the trial." He said, "I felt that such complaints could be solved when I was in charge of foreign cooperation."

Hong denied that it was not true when the first suspicion was raised in August.

Lim is also accused of involvement in the trial of the status quo lawsuits of the National Assembly members of the Progressive Party.

At the time, the first court ruled that it was not a matter for the court to judge because the judgment was made by the Constitutional Court. Im said that he ordered the appellate court to judge that "the judiciary has the authority to judge a member of the parliament".

In the actual appeal, the lawmakers passed the ruling.

Prosecutors are also investigating whether the Supreme Court judge was related to the ruling Justice and Development Chief Justice Lee Dong-won, who took office in August.