Even partners, parents or neighbors who do not play, know this shouting: Since there are football video games, they let gamer cheer and rage. Above all, "Fifa" puts hundreds of thousands into emotional states of emergency. Ausraster of "Fifa" streamers are documented in so-called Rage compilations.

When researching our Football Games book, "Fifa" fans even told us of rage-battered Ikea tables. And Sido and Pillath once rapped, "I play 'Fifa' with my son and on / But I lose, the joypad flies in front of the living room cabinet."

Why does "Fifa" rouse players like that? And why does Google's search suggestions for "Fifa macht ..." look like this?


Google Searches (March 2019)

Part of the answer is simple: it stimulates to be defeated in football, be it virtually, because it is the most prestigious sport in the world. "Fifa", its digital counterpart, is the best-selling video game in Germany every year.

"Fifa" is such a recognized way of measuring your strength. It impresses others, if you know it better, unlike maybe farm simulators. Especially with "Fifa", in contrast to "League of Legends", even non-players immediately recognize whether one is good. 0: 5 and the partner comes in? Since one is ever regarded compassion.

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"How bad the loss feels, depends on your own self-image and how much importance you attach to the good results in a particular game," says the games researcher Jesper Juul. He knows that many fans have been playing "Fifa" for years - sometimes only "Fifa". Much more important is not possible.

"When you play a football game, you have a high chance of being a super-performing athlete," says Juul. Do not live up to this idea, hurt. To fail with "Fifa" is therefore harder than with "Super Mario".

No full control

In the hopping game, it is also only on the player, if Mario fails. In "Fifa" the player has influence, but not full control: Typically, he controls only one figure directly, the rest of the team - including goalkeeper - takes over the computer. This is what happens in an unplanned way: Rooms are open, the keeper jumps past the ball.

"Fifa" means thrill. There are many more goals and goals than in reality, and more goals are scored in the 12-minute games: plenty of potential to get worked up. A wrong keypress can turn a good game into a terrible one. Then you can be angry with yourself - or on "Fifa".


"Fifa 19"

Good players usually defeat less good ones. However, there is no guarantee of success because imponderables, technical errors or bad online connections also influence games. Who plays a lot of "Fifa" learns to live with bugs and coincidences - or suffers.

The mix of skill and chaos has only one advantage: you can blame the defeat. Maybe even the controller was broken?

Eleven typical excuses of "Fifa" players

The game was not as good as expected? With these eleven sayings, losers try to talk out.

Start quotes: Click on the arrow

"Fifa" games are different today than they were in the 1990s. The gameplay does not change any more until the next game, but every few weeks - through online updates. Who thought he had mastered the game, has to relearn.

In addition, you compete with the world over the Internet. The chance to get better players or trolls, increases the dramatically, because earlier was measured only in the circle of friends.

And of course he did just that.
For months the first time thrown back the controller and I know now that I will break in completely, because I mad like the last silver 2 players gamble. So sad..

- Julius (@ JuliusFGU) 17 March 2019

And: In the most popular game mode "Ultimate Team" (FUT) can invest in the hope of star players real money - what many gamers do. For example, some people spend much more on "Fifa" than just the € 60 purchase price. This can distort the view of performance and results - and take away players' looseness. Even those who resist the additional purchases may ask: "How much has my opponent invested?"

The fact that "Fifa" is now an e-sport and that one can qualify for tournaments with prize money, loads many games in addition to meaning. Problems formerly laughed away at playing with friends, now cause some professional gamer worries about his job.

The feelings have to go out

All the screaming while gambling is so understandable a bit, especially since "Fifa" activates the emotions of football matches: About fouls outraged, about goals are cheered or scolded. The feelings have to go out.

Some cries have a deeper meaning: they serve to reduce frustration or put them to sleep. Sometimes, however, the blessing is also a cry for help: "Why do I even play when I'm just upset?".

This happens when players do not want to admit that they play "Fifa" less for fun and thrills, but rather because they hope for success through success. "Fifa" with its random elements is not the best video game for it - having that in mind can help.