
Updated Thursday, February 15, 2024-08:00

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"DGT, you have an unpaid fine of 35 euros, which will increase in 24 hours if we do not receive payment",

followed by a link where you are invited to pay the fine. If you receive an SMS message like this on your mobile, discard it: it is a new attempt at electronic fraud.


has been reported by the Spanish Consumer Association,

from where they warn that they are receiving "hundreds of queries and notices from consumers" on this matter.

"These are not real sanctions but rather a new fraud

that plays with the immediacy that it requests and the state of tension that it causes to the person who receives it who wants to know where that fine came from," the organization adds.

What's more,

this is not the usual way to notify fines.

The normal thing is that it is by written notification to our address or by notification to our telephone so that we identify ourselves with our digital certificate at the DGT electronic headquarters if we have activated the electronic notification system.

In no case is the DGT going to ask us for payment via SMS

or alert us in a message of the consequences of not paying a fine, the notice concludes.