She has just had time for her first rounds of golf at Ullna before Scandinavian Mixed awaits. The 30-year-old comes with four strong races behind him, and is optimistic about the coming days.

"It's nice to be at home with the golf clubs and be ready for competition. I've had four good races now with good placements so it feels like it's heading in the right direction and I enjoy what I'm doing, says Sagström.

"Are they kidding?"

The golf world was shocked yesterday by the news that the PGA Tour is partnering with its former nemesis, the LIV Tour.

A decision that came unexpectedly and resulted in strong opinions.

"I wasn't really prepared for this either. Then I think it's really hard to say what it means. But I was absolutely shocked when I woke up. I just thought, "Are they kidding? what's going on?"

PGA Tour Commissioner Jay Monahan has received criticism from several quarters for the decision, which has been called hypocrisy. Opinions that Sagström is not surprised by.

"I absolutely understand that, there's been a big turnaround about their views on things. I've been pretty happy all along that I didn't have to be a men's player who had to make such clear decisions. But I'm probably more interested to hear what it means for the PGA players, the LIV players and everybody else.

CLIP: PGA boss responds to criticism: 'Understand that people call me hypocrite' (June 7, 2023)

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PGA boss Monahan: "Understand that people call me a hypocrite" Photo: TT News Agency