A French journalist has revealed some secrets about the way coach of the "Roosters" Didier Deschamps dealt with his Muslim players in the holy month of Ramadan, as well as the teams of other Sunni groups in the country.

French activists and tweeters reacted to the new leaks revealed by journalist Romain Molina, through a video clip published on his YouTube channel, in which he said that "Deschamps' statements about the need for Muslim players to postpone their fast, hide behind them pressure and blackmail on the players of the French team, especially young players such as the Olympic team and the under-18 team."

The renowned investigative journalist added that the French Football Federation was outspoken and direct, saying, "You fast Ramadan? It's easy, you won't be called up to the national team," he said, pointing out that the federation hired a Muslim from security, but he does not fast the holy month, in order to exert pressure on the players.

He concluded, "Molina" – via video – that no one performs the ritual of fasting inside the Clairefontaine Center for the preparation of French teams at all levels, indicating that it is happening for the first time after the increase in the number of Muslim players within the team.

Les Marocains qui soutiennent l'EDF ... rah khashoum imchiw 3end tbib ... https://t.co/ncxGRPOaY2

— Dido🔟🇦🇷🐐👑🥑🇲🇦 (@fahdodido) March 27, 2023

Tweeters considered that the information revealed by "Molina" is a dangerous turning point and shame will be inflicted on the officials of the Football Association in France, who will change their positions only for the eyes of "Mbappe" if he talks about the subject.

Others said the opportunity came for all African-Muslim immigrant players to stop playing for the French national team and return to their home teams in Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Comoros and elsewhere.

French media, including L'Equipe, reported that Deschamps recommended his Muslim players such as Wesley Fofana to postpone the fast until after Ramadan, due to the team's schedule and competitions.

La honte cette fédération , faut arrêter de jouer pour ce pays qui nous méprisent , jouer pour vos pays d’origine !! https://t.co/3jehI85pLS

— soufⵣ🇲🇦 (@ironso_212) March 27, 2023

Il est temps de relancer la propagande 🇰🇲 @MyzianeMaolida @Zaydou_Youssouf @OWarmed vous ne serez jamais plus aimé et bien traité que chez vous. Dans la victoire comme dans la défaite, vous recevrez toujours un grand soutient !!! Il est temps de venir jouer avec les Comores 🇰🇲💚 https://t.co/nNlCZae8zT pic.twitter.com/hhVYO6A4q9

— COMORIAN🇰🇲💚 (@Comorian2699) March 27, 2023

C’est très grave que ceux qui sont viser aille jouez pour des sélections qui accepte leurs religions !!! https://t.co/zY9zNzYijJ

— Yussuf (@Yussuf85806052) March 28, 2023

La France, ce pays qui a colonisé bon nombre de territoires musulmans, qui a la plus importante communauté musulmane d'Europe, se comporte toujours avec ignorance et mépris avec sa population musulmane. https://t.co/8ybXFjviZt

— Hazem (@Hazem75_h) March 27, 2023

La fédération de la honte, si @KMbappe parle ils vont tous fermer leurs gueule. https://t.co/jrDiKvQHcs

— Sofiane ⵣ (@Sofiane__Soso) March 27, 2023