The sumo spring tournament welcomed Chiakiraku, and Shinsekiwaki Kirimayama defeated Koyui Daieisho in the championship match to win his first title.

It is a victory or defeat after entering the middle.

▽ Teru ni Kensho won by "close cut".

▽ Mt. Kinpu's victory was the 11th victory for Mt. Kinpu with the "scoop throw".

The newcomer Mt. Jinfeng won the Fighting Award.

▽ Donglong ni Daxiangpeng is Donglong "bad throw".

▽ Koto Emitsu ni Nishikifuji is Nishikifuji "leans in".

▽ Myogiryu ni Warlord Mountain, Warlord Mountain "pushes down".

▽ Wang Peng and Hirado Sea, Hirado Sea "lean in".

Wang Peng was defeated.

▽ Mito Ryu won by "withdrawal" by Mito Ryu to Hekiyama.

▽ Chiyo Shoma ni Ura, Ura "leans in".

▽ One Yamamoto ni Bei Qingpeng is "leaning in" with North Qingpeng.

▽ Kitakatsu Fuji to Takarafuji, Takarafuji won by "shove".

Kitakatsu Fuji is a loser.

▽ Koto Katsumine ni Nishikiki, Nishikiki is "good throwing".

▽ Ontake Sea to Ryuden, Ryuden "closes".

▽ Endo to Aflame, Aflame "pushes down".

▽ Suifuji ni Masayo is "Kimeji".

Suifuji would have won the Fighting Prize, but he didn't.

▽ Akio to Jade Eagle is "pushed out" by Akio.

▽ In the sea of Sada, the sho monkey is "good throwing".

▽ Wakamotoharu Kotonowaka is "uchiyaru" by Wakamotoharu.

▽ Takayasu to Feng Shenglong, Takayasu "throws well".

▽ Kirimayama and Daieisho won with Kirimayama "shove" and both tied with 12 wins and 3 losses to make it the championship game.

In the championship match, Kirimayama knocked down Daieisho at the edge of the ring, and after some controversy, Kirimayama won the championship for the first time.

For the first time since the Showa era, the sumo spring tournament was without yokozuna and ōzeki, and ended with Kirimayama winning the championship for the first time on the side of Shinsekiwaki.