The WC in Planica was a Swedish record WC with twelve medals.

Now the national team has landed at Arlanda again.

However, the journey home to Sweden did not go as planned.

The flight from Klagenfurt, Austria was delayed because the bus driver couldn't get to the airport.

- What should have taken 20 minutes instead took 90 minutes.

Then I still think he dropped us off at the wrong place at the airport.

It also unfortunately caused the flight to be delayed, says long distance manager Lars Öberg.

A confused bus driver, then?

- You could say that.

He appeared sober but had difficulty orienting himself.

"Don't know if they invented GPS there yet"

The fact that the bus journey dragged on was not least noticed by the Swedish riders.

- I don't know what he did.

He went in the wrong direction anyway.

I don't know if they invented GPS in Austria yet or what is wrong, says Rosjö.

- It felt like we were going around in circles there for a while, says Frida Karlsson and laughs.