Spanish sports clubs and bodies mourned the death of former La Liga player Pelayo Novo, who died at the age of 32 when he was hit by a train in the northwestern city of Oviedo.

The accident occurred on Tuesday, when the competent authorities received a report that a train had hit a person on the Renfe line between the cities of Oviedo and Cerro, but the police were unable to save him when they got there, and investigations are now underway to find out the causes of the accident and whether it was voluntary.

Novo had played in a number of clubs in the Spanish Football League "La Liga", including Elche, Cordoba and Albacete, before he fell from the third floor of a hotel 5 years ago, and moved to practicing ground tennis in a wheelchair.

DEP don Pelayo Novo!!.

Tuve el gran placer de ser la persona encargada de ir a recogerlo a la estación el día que puso los pies en Córdoba!!.

Llevarlo the reconocimiento médico and luego al estadio para ser nuevo jugador de @CordobaCF_ofi .

Era of chico encantador.

Me deja Roto!!.

- Miguel Angel Morales (@ MiguelAM1975) March 1, 2023

Novo received a wide official and popular obituary, and the Spanish clubs for which Novo played during his career, as well as many Spanish players and coaches mourned him.

Una pena lo de Pelayo Novo, se le veía muy buena gente DEP

— Bruunoo (@14bruunoo) February 28, 2023

"The Spanish Football Federation regrets the death of Pelayo Novo, a 32-year-old former footballer," the RFEF wrote. "We will always remember your smile despite the difficulties you faced."

⚫️ The RFEF lamenta of the Pelayo Novo muerte, exfutbolista of 32 años

Recordaremos siempre su sonrisa a pesar de las dificultades vividas

Un sentido abrazo a su familia y amigos

— RFEF (@rfef) February 28, 2023

Real Madrid Novo mourned in a tweet on its Twitter account: "Real Madrid C.F. deeply regrets the death of Pelayo Novo, and would like to express its condolences and affection to his family and loved ones."

Real Madrid CF deeply laments the passing of Pelayo Novo, the former @RealOviedo, @CordobaCF_ofi, @ElcheCF, @CDeportivoLugo, CFR 1907 Cluj and @AlbaceteBPSAD player, and wishes to express its condolences and affection to all of his family and loved ones.

Rest in peace.

- Real Madrid CF 🇬🇧🇺🇸 (@realmadriden) March 1, 2023

And Real Oviedo, to which Novo belonged for a long time, wrote the player, commenting: “With a broken heart, we deeply regret the death of Pelayo Novo, and to family and friends: we are with you. Rest in peace Novo.”

Con el corazón roto.

Lamentamos en el alma el fallecimiento de Pelayo Novo, capitán de nuestra Fundación.

Familia, amigos: Estamos con vosotros.

Descansa en paz Pelayo.#RealOviedo

— Real Oviedo (@RealOviedo) February 28, 2023

He was also mourned by a large number of coaches and officials who witnessed his career and supervised it during his football career, which extended to 208 matches with more than one club.

And Spanish coach Miguel Morales wrote in a tweet to him: “It was a pleasure to be the person responsible for taking Novo from the station the day he set foot in Cordoba, I took him for a medical examination and then to the stadium to be a new player with us, he was a popular boy, and the news left me.” shattered.”

Rotos por el dolor

Siempre te recordaremos como un guerrero que lo dio todo por nuestra camiseta

Uno de los nuestros

Descansa en paz, Pelayo 🙏

- Elche Club de Fútbol 🌴💯🥇 (@elchecf) February 28, 2023

I am a cabo de quedar helado with el fallecimiento de Pelayo Novo.

Envío my more sentido pésame para todos sus amigos y familiares.

DEP Pelayo!

— Jose Alberto López (@JoseAlbertoLpez) March 1, 2023

⚫️ Desde la SD Huesca our sumamos al enorme dolor por el fallecimiento de Pelayo Novo.

Nuestro more sentido pésame a sus familiares y amigos.


— SD Huesca (@SDHuesca) February 28, 2023

More sinceras condolencias a los familiares y amigos del querido Pelayo Novo, capitán de la Fundación @RealOviedo y que desde el minuto uno supo transmit a la perfección los valores del ovidista club.

Descansa en paz.

— Joan Femenias (@joanfeme1) March 1, 2023