It's been a year since Russia invaded Ukraine and the war is still going on.

It was some time after the war started that Nordström left his Russian club, but according to information to SVT Sport, it cost him SEK 13 million.

- It was not a funny situation.

Unfortunately, the war is still going on.

It's sad what's happening in the world.

but for my own part, I have tried to put it behind me and look ahead with this season, he says to SVT Sport.

Do you often think about your time there and your former teammates?

- Absolutely.

You are constantly reminded via the media and news.

It's not fun.

Swedes still play in the KHL.

What do you think about it?

- I made my decision and it is a position that I stand by.

What others do is not something I can influence.

The International Olympic Committee has recently begun to investigate the possibility of Russians participating in the upcoming Olympics under a neutral flag.

Nordström doesn't understand that.

- The decision was made a year ago and I don't know what has changed until today.

It is not up to me to say what will happen, but I do not know if there has been such a big change, he says.