Ebba Andersson has run a total of eleven skiathlons in her career, seven of them in a senior context.

During this winter, the skiers were supposed to run the skiathlon in Lillehammer before Christmas, but due to a lack of snow, 20 km were run instead.

The last time Andersson competed in a skiathlon was therefore during the Olympics in Beijing just over a year ago, when he finished tenth.

Before that, it was during the WC in Oberstdorf 2021, where Andersson took bronze behind Frida Karlsson and Therese Johaug.

- If it is included in the championship program, then I think we should also have the opportunity to run it during the regular World Cup season.

Partly it's a change of skis to deal with, but also the transition from classic to skate, it's something you're not really used to.

It is quite rare that you do it at a higher intensity and the load that comes with it, says Andersson.

"It's no secret that I aim for the very top"

But in order to succeed in Planica, the Swede has practiced the distance on her own.

- Yes, I must say that I have still trained and prepared for it many times before, but also towards this championship.

After all, I have seen when it has succeeded and also when it has succeeded less well.

So it's really important to be focused and not get carried away by the heat of the moment.

And the objective is clear: The bronze must turn into gold.

- It's no secret that I aim for the very top.

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The interview with Ebba Andersson was interrupted by a cat.

Photo: SVT