Anicet Mbida 6:53 a.m., February 17, 2023

Anicet Mbida delivers to us every morning what is best in terms of innovation.

This Friday, he is interested in a new generation of breathalyzer which works thanks to a virtual reality helmet.

The innovation of the day is a new generation of breathalyzer.

Soon we won't be blowing a balloon anymore.

All you have to do is put on a virtual reality headset.

In fact, it's a completely different approach.

Rather than trying to find out how many glasses we drank, we will simply check that we are in good condition to drive.

For this, there is a sign that does not deceive: these are the movements of the pupil.

This is why after a knockout in boxing or a big shock in rugby, we always see a doctor intervene with a small lamp.

This helps to know if the person can safely resume the match.

It's the same when you're drunk or you've taken drugs.

If we are no longer completely in control of ourselves, that we no longer have the same reaction speed or the same ability to concentrate, it can be seen in the eyes.

And that's what this virtual reality headset will analyze.

What do we see inside this helmet?

Not much.

Simply colored balloons moving at different speeds.

It's just a pretext to analyze all the small involuntary movements of the eyes and follow the dilation of the pupil.

Just like a doctor would.

The advantage: we manage not only to detect drugs and alcohol, but also sleeping pills and antidepressants.

Or, quite simply, those who are too tired to drive.

Finally, we avoid all the controversies around the current tests.

Some people are declared positive, whereas they simply took Codeine Dafalgan for a toothache.

With the helmet, we will simply check that they are fit to drive.

On the other hand, if the result is disputed, it will be like today.

You will have to go to the station to confirm the decision with a blood test.

Is this something that we could see soon during roadside checks?


This system was developed by the startup Gaize.

She has already received quite a few orders from the constabulary.

So it could happen pretty quickly.

Especially since the technology is not reserved for the police.

We could find it in transport, construction, aviation… In short, wherever we want to ensure that an employee is in full possession of his resources.