Frida Eldebrink has played 142 international matches for Sweden, Elin Eldebrink 134. Both have played four EC finals.

After 2021, the feeling was that national team games were enough and that others had to take over.

But now they are back, and will do everything they can for Sweden to beat Israel and Latvia in the EC qualifiers, which are broadcast live on SVT.

How good are you now?

- Good, Elin laughs and continues:

- Nah, but we come in with confidence, we've had a good time in Södertälje and then it's great fun to play these big games, I've missed that. 

Sweden lost the first two matches in the qualifiers, and must now win both against Israel and Latvia, and a big one at that, to have the chance to go to the EC.

One of the problems in the first games was poor rebounding, and poor percentage from the three-point line.

Are you going to come in and lower the three points?

- It is one of our strengths, to score points and create for others.

So hopefully we can contribute something there, says Frida Eldebrink. 

Both paint the defensive game as something they practiced extra before the matches.

- The idea is to be aggressive, above all in defence.

The defense will be the key.

It's a way of playing that suits me, I like to play tough defense, says Elin Eldebrink.

Clip: The Eldebrink sisters about the match against Israel

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The Eldebirnk sisters point to defense as a key against Israel