
Short track leader Choi Min-jung is attracting attention as she openly speaks out about the selection of her team's leader.

Viktor Ahn and Ahn Hyun-soo, who applied amid controversy, were dropped midway, and the selection itself was put on hold.

This is reporter Ha Seong-ryong.

<Reporter> The

selection of coaches for the Seongnam City Hall team attracted great interest with the support of Viktor Ahn and coach Kim Seon-tae.

Viktor Ahn was naturalized as a Russian citizen and coached the Chinese national team during the Beijing Olympics.

Seongnam City, as if conscious of public opinion, excluded the two from the final candidates, but when this news was announced, six players from Seongnam City Hall, including Choi Min-jung, released a statement demanding fair selection on social media.

Choi Min-jung also posted an article saying, "It's unfortunate that social issues, not leadership virtues, are the main focus." There was speculation that the players wanted Viktor Ahn or coach Kim Seon-tae, but Choi Min-jung's agency said, "I know they didn't have Victor Ahn in mind. "he said.

In the midst of this, the selection process went back to square one.

Seongnam City, which was scheduled to announce the final results today (31st), said that it could not find the right person among 7 applicants, and announced that it would re-apply soon.

(Video editing: Oh Young-taek)