It was at the end of November that Mats Årjes, 56, stepped aside as chairman of SOK when he was charged with sexual harassment.

Since then, the ice hockey association's chairman Anders Larsson has been acting chairman, but when a new chairman is to be elected on April 20, he will not run.

- My place of residence is in ice hockey.

After all, I am the chairman of the Swedish Ice Hockey Association and I was also elected to the board of the international association recently.

So I am fully focused on continuing with ice hockey, but of course being on the board in some form.

What I want is to stay in ice hockey.

I'm not done there, he says.

This is what Larsson says about Årje's decision to resign.

- We in SOK have the greatest respect for Mats Årje's decision to resign as chairman.

We have had a good dialogue with him and I feel it is wise that he has taken time to think through the matter and has now come to his decision, he says.

How do you see Årje's decision to resign considering that he is in a legal process?

- I think it would be wrong and inappropriate for me to review his decision.

But it feels good that Mats has made a decision about this.

Today's announcement also gives our members and our election committee plenty of time to prepare the election of a new chairman.