Frida Westman injured her knee in connection with the World Cup competition on 6 November in Wisla, Poland - in the same competition in which she took her first podium in her career.

After surgery, it turned out that it was "only" a meniscus injury, which was positive as there were concerns that she had also damaged the cruciate ligament.

"Was hardest at the start"

Now she has been training for over a month, and hopes to be able to compete again at the end of January, and aims to be able to participate in the WC in February.

But she admits that it has been hard to be injured for the third time in her career.

- It was most difficult at the start, when there was a lot of back and forth about what kind of injury it was.

At first they said it was a cruciate ligament injury, then it was very difficult.

But then things have gotten better and better, says the 21-year-old to SVT Sport.

It is your third knee injury, have you hesitated about whether you will be able to continue?

- The first time it was obvious.

The second time it was a bit like that: "Will I be able to do it?"

But I thought pretty quickly that I'm young and stuff.

But after this third one, I thought, "If it's a cruciate ligament injury, how am I going to cope?

Mostly mentally and so on.

- But then I thought that I'm still young, and so it was a bit unlucky.

So I feel like I don't feel like giving up now.