Henrik von Eckermann has had a good 2022.

In August, he became world number one in horse jumping, and in the same month he won WC gold - both individually and as a team.

Seventh at the end of the year

Now it is finished competing for this year.

Today he participated, with the horse Iliana (who made his World Cup debut as recently as last month) at the World Cup competition in Mechelen, Belgium.

It ended with a seventh place, after a demolition.

In the position behind them we found another Swedish crew: Erica Schwartz on World Cup debutant Madonna.

However, it was extremely close that Schwarz and Madonna had become faultless and made it to the jump-off.

Namely, they demolished the very last obstacle.

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Here, Erica Schwartz and Madonna tear down the very last obstacle

The jump-off is in progress