Calle Halfvarsson was on his way to a giant race in Ruka at the start of the hunt.

He advanced like a fury on one edge, but went outside the lane marking.

He finished third, but was then washed for going off course.

Now he tells SVT Sport that they have appealed the decision.

- I know that they (the national team management) have filed an appeal, but I also know that it was wrong for the Swedish leaders not to share the information they received.

Directs criticism at the national team management

He also criticizes the national team management for their arrogance.

- The information itself was a bit unclear, the Swedish leaders think, and then maybe they would have found out more and then that information would have reached us riders, now no information at all came to us.

- If I had known that, I certainly would not have gone over the spruce bushes, he says.

What Calle Halfvarsson does not know when he talks to SVT Sport is that his appeal has already been processed and rejected.

The national team manager: The appeal rejected

National team manager Anders Byström tells SVT Spor that the appeal was submitted already on Monday so that a "neutral group" would look into the situation.

- They still believe that the result should apply, says Byström.

So it's treated and it's done?

- Yes, exactly, it's done, but we still thought it was good that they checked it.

CUT: Calle Halfvarsson steals here - lost third place

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Calle Halfvarsson steals here - lost third place Photo: Bildbyrån/Viaplay