It was shortly after the Olympics in Beijing that Helene Fossesholm announced that she would take a break.

Too hard high-altitude training and a tough competition schedule had taken their toll.

- I think she pushed herself too hard this summer and autumn.

The form then yo-yoed.

It's time for her to take a breather.

Helene will take a long break to let her body fully recover, then we'll see when she's ready to start her pre-season, her coach Geir Andre Rogn told the Ski-Nordique site at the time.

Now, barely nine months later, the 21-year-old is ready for a comeback.

She has spent the last week with the Norwegian men's national team in Muonio, Finland, and on Tuesday it is time for her competitive comeback.

- It's always special with the first race, there are a few extra nerves so it's nice to get it over with before the premiere in Beitostölen.

It will be nice to get started again, says Fossesholm to TV2.

The big goal of the season is the WC in Planica.

- I'm not in top shape, but I shouldn't be now either.

I feel that the body responds well to intervals.

I recognize Helene!

But I have planned to speed up slowly, the goal is to make it to the WC in Planica at the end of February.

Fossesholm had to be helped off the track after the race (5 Dec 2021):

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Helene Marie Fossesholm had to be helped off the track after the race.

Photo: Bildbyrån