The men's team in AIK is beyond rescue, but now the power is focused on keeping the women's team in the elite series.

It is a process with rapid turnarounds.

When SVT first spoke to the bandy association's general secretary Pär Gustafsson, he was aware that the women's team in AIK had been shut down.

- The players are free to go wherever they want and we believe that AIK will be removed from the tables, said Pär Gustafsson, but added that it is the competition committee that holds that ball.

The announcement that the women's team was discontinued was made on incorrect premises.

- It was a misunderstanding.

We were not quite clear that the women's team is not affected by the elite license.

It was probably a bit too quick to shut down, says AIK chairman Bosse Fasth.

The fans should shoot for money

The club must now guide the women's team through a tight financial regulation and drive the business forward.

The fans have shut up after yesterday's pitch-black announcement.

- The continued operations will be sponsored by our club members.

There are a number that popped up after this became known and want to contribute to us being able to run the women's team, says Fasth without saying how much money they expect to bring in.

Now even the competition committee has not made its decision.

Are you too quick in the other direction to go out with information that the women's team has been saved this time?

- Sure, but you have to tune in.

Above all, it is about not worrying our players.

I am writing the documents for the competition committee now, says Fasth.

Yesterday, the women's players were not informed.

- There was general chaos yesterday, but the idea was that the men would be informed during training in the middle of the day, while the ladies would receive it at theirs, but there was way too much happening between training sessions, explains Fasth.

"Disappointed with information via the media"

Already yesterday, the women's players received information that the team would try to be saved.

- They were disappointed to have received the first information via the media and it shouldn't happen that way, but I can only blame the human factor.

It was too much and it didn't go quite right.

According to Radiosporten, Bosse Fasth has been confirmed by the bandy association's general secretary Pär Gustafsson that the team will remain.

Gustafsson turns against that image when SVT returns to the case.

- It is up to our competition committee to see what is possible.

That meeting is not even started by our competition committee.

There is no official information, says Gustafsson.

How do you see Fasth so early in the process coming out and saying that the women's team should remain?

- I don't put any values ​​in it.

If the women's team can continue, it is positive, says Gustafsson.

Given yesterday's data.

How surprised were you by the call from Bosse Fasth?

- I am not surprised by anything anymore.

I take the information I receive, says Gustafsson.

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AIK Bandy closes all operations.

Photo: Bildbyrån/TT Nyhetsbyrån