In Therese Johaug's upcoming autobiography, she takes readers through her successful skiing career.

The Norwegian then reveals that a loss has taken a little harder on her, namely the second place in the classic three-mile in Holmenkollen 2020.

Sweden's Frida Karlsson caught up and passed the race, which meant Karlsson's first victory in the World Cup.

“What in the world happened?”

Johaug, who, unlike Karlsson, skipped changing skis during the race, was furious.

“What in the world happened?

I didn't feel tired," she writes in the book, according to Norwegian media.

The 34-year-old believes that the riding team's information that a change of skis would not give a better glide was decisive.

"Almost embarrassing to admit"

"I have never been so angry after a ski race.

Being beaten by Frida Karlsson on my home court because the gang around me was sleeping was simply not acceptable.

I was angry for months afterwards.

It's almost embarrassing to admit, but I still get angry when I think about it.

Someone might call me short-sighted," Johaug writes in the book.

Johaug got revenge when she won the three-mile in Holmenkollen by far this spring.

SEE ALSO: Svahn's crooked way back: "An unwritten card."

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Anders Blomquist believes that Linn Svahn is an unwritten card for winter.

Photo: Bildbyrån