Yoshio Sekine, president of the Japan Badminton Association, and Kinji Zeniya, managing director of the Japan Badminton Association, submitted their resignations on the 27th to take responsibility for the management and supervision of a series of scandals, including embezzlement by former staff members, and were approved by the board of directors.

The Japan Badminton Association held an extraordinary board meeting in Tokyo on the 27th.

According to the association, among them, Chairman Sekine and Managing Director Zeniya offered to resign and were approved to take responsibility for managing and supervising a series of scandals such as the embezzlement of former employees and fraudulent applications for subsidies.

The two will officially resign on the 30th of next month if approved at the board of trustees meeting next month.

In addition, at the extraordinary board meeting on the 27th, the resignation of the secretary general was discussed and approved in order to renew the system of the secretariat.

Regarding the Japan Badminton Association, the third-party investigative report on the scandals released this month points out the lack of qualifications of the administrators and the weakness of the secretariat system. was viewed as a problem.