The discus talent Emma Sralla - who won a superior gold at the JVM last autumn - has both Swedish and American citizenship.

She lives and studies in Texas.

But when it's time to turn pro, Sralla will do like Armand Duplantis and move to Sweden.

- When I become professional, Sweden would be a fantastic base to have, just like "Mondo", because I compete for Sweden and everything.

So it's more than a matter of when I turn pro.

When that happens, I will certainly find a place in Sweden, she tells Expressen.

Duplantis, who also grew up in the United States, has received some criticism after his choice to compete for Sweden.

Sralla does not fear the hate.

- I don't think they (in the US) know who I am!

The Americans are busy with their sprinters and a thousand gold medals, she says.

CUT: Emma Sralla wins JVM gold (August 4, 2022)

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Emma Sralla wins JVM gold.

Photo: TT