Rune got two match points on De Minaur's serve, burned the first, and won the match after De Minaur hit the ball into the corridor.

There was a restrained victory celebration after De Minaur chose to review the match ball on the hawkeye.

When 19-year-old Rune went to the net and hit the same, losing the first set, he sent a ball into the stands in frustration.

Rune clearly won the most lethal point of the tournament.

At 3-3 in the second set and 30-0 to De Minaur, the Australian served.

Rune returned and dropped the racket.

De Minaur thought the point was already won and just loosely put the ball back.

However, Rune quickly picked up his racket and was able to return and Di Minaur was caught off guard and missed the return in front of the net.

- I've probably never seen anything like that before.

Must be hard for De Mianur who thought he had already won the point, says SVT Sports expert Magnus Gustafsson.

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Holger Rune drops the racket - but wins the point.

Photo: SVT