"RUSADA does not intend to announce the decision"

The doping scandal involving Kamila Valieva is nearing its end.

The Russian agency RUSADA completed its investigation of the case back in mid-September and should make a decision soon.

However, the public will not be notified of the outcome of the hearings.

In order to protect the minor figure skater, the organization, guided by clause 4.1 of the International Standard for Results Management, decided: all processes and procedures related to the Russian skater will be confidential.

“Strictly observing the principles of international and Russian anti-doping standards, and also taking into account the nature and circumstances of the case, RUSADA does not intend to announce the date of the hearing, the decision or other details in the case of the figure skater, a member of the ROC team,” the agency’s official website says.

What exactly this means, sports lawyers explained.

So, according to Anna Antseliovich, the outcome of the lawsuit will remain a mystery to the fans, but not to WADA, ISU and the IOC.

They have the right to challenge RUSADA's verdict, but CAS will still maintain secrecy in this case.

Spectators will be able to judge the outcome of the case by external signs: the revision of the results of international tournaments, including the Olympic Games, or the absence of a girl in competitions.

“The question here is not the interest of their side, but the protection of the rights of the child.

The only one who can say: “I want this to be published,” she and her legal representatives, ”Anceliovich explained to Match TV.

She stressed that in the case of underage athletes, anti-doping cases are almost always encrypted.

But the situation with Valieva stands out from the general series, since suspicions against her were reported almost immediately.

“The violation of confidentiality occurred already at the first stage - the fact of a possible violation and the name of the athlete became known.

Now it is quite difficult to fully comply with all the confidentiality requirements of the World Anti-Doping Code, since they have already been violated, ”Anceliovich added.

In turn, the former deputy head of RUSADA Margarita Pakhnotskaya noted that the organization has only one goal: to protect the interests of the 16-year-old athlete.

“Valiyeva belongs to the category of a protected person, all her rights are respected.

This is the direct responsibility of RUSADA.

The agency has the right not to publish the decision on the case because the athlete is a minor.

How to find out about it?

Only if she herself or her representative wants to report it.

RUSADA’s verdict will be revealed to the athlete, the international and Russian figure skating federations, WADA and, possibly, the ROC as the team that Valieva represented at the Olympics,” the lawyer emphasized.

At the same time, Vera Tikhonova, a member of the Disciplinary Anti-Doping Committee (DAK), announced at the end of September that the verdict on the skater would be delivered behind closed doors.

RUSADA completed the investigation in mid-September and no new details have emerged since.

The head of the anti-doping agency, Veronika Loginova, in a conversation with RT noted that the end should be set in October.

“The agency is processing the results.

We cannot name the exact date of the announcement.

Approximately in October.

DAK will set a hearing date.

Now there is a process of coordination with the representatives of the athlete, as they have the right to be present at the meeting.

I can say that the information circulating in the press that the required number of DAC members for hearings is not found is unreliable.

Has the B sample been opened?

RUSADA did not request an autopsy,” Loginova said.

But according to sports journalist Andrey Mitkov, who cites unnamed sources, the organization has collected enough evidence of Valieva's guilt.

Allegedly, we are even talking about the presence of "aggravating circumstances".

He believes that the DAK members are playing for time, as they find themselves in an extremely difficult situation.

“They will be punished (a disqualification followed by deprivation of gold in the team tournament) - they will be subjected to the most severe obstruction.

Justified - at the request of WADA, the IOC or the ISU, the case will go to the jurisdiction of the CAS, where it will most likely be reviewed, ”Mitkov wrote on September 21.

"Don't give Camila any extra stress"

One way or another, the decision of RUSADA to transfer the figure skater's case to the category of completely confidential was received positively in Russia.

For example, the honored coach of the country Tatyana Tarasova said that this would be the best option for the athlete herself.

“I think that, if we talk about justice, it should have been closed a long time ago, everything else is half measures,” the TASS specialist quotes.

Olympic champion Tatyana Navka agreed with her.

“RUSADA is doing the right thing so as not to cause unnecessary stress to Kamila, so that she can keep her nerves and can live and train in peace, so that she is left alone until a decision is made,” Navka noted.

The President of Sambo-70, Renat Laishev, spoke in a similar vein.

In his opinion, the most important thing for Camila now is to save energy.

And the absence of additional pressure from the media and fans will have a positive effect on her and allow her to perform normally.

But in the United States they continue to express dissatisfaction with the slowness of RUSADA.

Back in September, the head of the American Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), Travis Tygart, and the CEO of the US National Olympic Committee, Sarah Hirshland, expressed concern that it would take too long to wait for the final verdict.

Now they are supported by the local figure skater Nathan Chen, who, if the Russian woman is found guilty, can exchange the silver of the team tournament of the Olympic Games in Beijing for gold.

“Probably the most difficult thing in this situation is ignorance.

We are kept up to date, but they always say: "We have no idea what is happening."

This is very annoying, ”AP quotes the athlete.