One of the most prominent participants in the Berlin Marathon is not a professional runner at all.

The former "world soccer player" Kaká will try his hand at the 42.195 kilometer route for the first time on Sunday.

As the 40-year-old announced on Friday in the capital, he wants to try to run under 3:40 hours - a time in the upper average for amateurs.

The Brazilian has already covered half the distance.

“What I bring with me from professional sport is more the mentality.

My body was used to other movements,” said Kaká, who won the preliminary round with Brazil 1-0 against Croatia during the 2006 World Cup in Berlin and scored the winning goal.

As a soccer player, he ran for an hour and a half – but never in one go.

He became aware of this when he jogged for 40 minutes without a break for the first time.

“A very good city”

Kaká will run with his trainer, who recommended Berlin as a route for his debut.

"A flat marathon, a very good city, a good atmosphere - the whole package made me want to run in Berlin," explained the former offensive player, who wanted to take part in one of the big marathons.

His brother, who was injured during the preparation, and his father, who will only walk after a month and a half in hospital because of a corona infection, are also accompanying the 2002 world champion.

Kaká, who arrived in Berlin on Thursday, is a bit nervous despite his experience from big football games and enjoys being able to run with the pros as an amateur.

"I can say the best one won in that time and I can say I ran with him," explained Kaká.

There are around 45,000 registrations for the largest German marathon.