On August 26, 2022, in the ONE 160 large-scale fighting event in Singapore, Tang Kai, a young man from Shaoyang, Hunan, defeated the active champion Dan Le and successfully ascended the throne of the featherweight world champion and became the first Chinese men's mixed martial arts in the world. champion.

  After taking over the gold belt from the referee, Tang Kai burst into tears.

Years of hard work and dedication finally paid off, and the emotions that had been accumulated for a long time exploded at the moment of victory. He said, "I will carry the gold belt home, and I will do what I say." On the night of winning the gold belt, Tang Kai stayed up all night.

From the 18-year-old exposure to mixed martial arts to the present, the past experiences flashed through his mind one by one like acting in a movie.

In an interview with a reporter from Chinanews.com, he talked about the unknown hardships behind winning the gold belt, as well as those unrealized dreams.

Responsible editor: [Li Ji]