When the SM week in 2021 was canceled due to the restrictions at the time, Borås was offered to apply for the hosting again.

Now all formal decisions have been made and it is clear that the SM week in winter 2021 will be arranged in Borås.

- There was no SC week in Borås last year, but the skiing SC was decided there and it was a very successful event.

We are therefore looking forward to Borås taking on the entire SM week in 2025 and continuing to develop this concept, which is a popular audience favorite for SVT's television viewers, says SVT's sports director Åsa Edlund Jönsson.

Southernmost city to arrange

Borås has arranged the SM week's summer edition twice, in 2014 and 2017. Now they will be the southernmost city to have arranged the SM week's winter week.

- Given that we were forced to cancel the winter week in Borås during the pandemic, we are very happy that Borås is once again hosting the SM week.

We already know that Borås has very good conditions and the experience to organize the SC week with all that that entails, says Stefan Bergh, secretary general of the National Sports Confederation.