Dutch veteran Annemiek van Vleuten, 39, claimed a commanding victory in the seventh stage of the women's Tour de France.

The margin of victory on the 127.5 kilometer mountain stage between Sélestat and Le Markstein Fellering ended up being three minutes and 26 seconds.

The victory also means that she takes over the yellow leader's jersey for the tour's eighth and final stage on Sunday.

Sweden's Julia Borgström, 21, was ahead of the seventh stage of the tour's best placed cyclist under the age of 23 and thus got to wear the white youth jersey.

Borgström cycled in as the 51st cyclist on the stage, which meant that she lost her lead in the youth competition.

Shirin van Anrooij, Netherlands, was 17th on the stage, and takes over the youth leader's jersey.

Before the last stage, Borgström is the third best young cyclist.

Up to the youth leader van Anrooij, the Swede has 9 minutes and 23 seconds.