• Mountaineering When you have to wait for bad weather to climb Everest

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More than a hundred people reached the summit of the mythical K2 on July 22, making that day the

largest influx of climbers in the history

of the mountain over 8,000 meters high.

In a single day,

more promotions were registered than in the last 40 years and almost half that in its entire history


The mountain, in the Himalayan range, is the second highest in the world and one of the most difficult to climb along with Annapurna and Nanga Parbat, with its 8,611 meters of altitude.

The video, in which a single file of climbers is seen climbing the mountain, in addition to going viral, has reopened the debate and raised the alarm about the overcrowding of these summits, as has already happened on Everest.

In 2019, in the pre-coronavirus pandemic, also on May 22, a record day was reached on Everest, with the arrival of more than 200 climbers.

Two died on the descent.

Two days after the death of two amateur climbers, another four died in their struggle and haste to reach the top, encouraged by the good weather, of the highest mountain on the planet at 8,848 meters high.

"Overcrowding is a big problem because the route

has become dangerous and there is a lot of risk

. Excessive traffic has made the ascent of Everest much more difficult," said

Nivesh Karki

, manager of one of the travel organizing companies. .

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  • Everest