The hot training ground in the summer vacation is more "hot" [the first anniversary of the "double reduction" landing, children have more time to participate in sports training]

  In July last year, the "Opinions on Further Reducing the Burden of Homework and Off-campus Training for Students in Compulsory Education" (hereinafter referred to as "double reduction") was issued.

In the past year since the implementation of the "Double Reduction", many beneficial changes have taken place in children's study and life in school, and the same is true outside of school.

Many children are participating in sports more than ever before, and off-campus training institutions for sports are constantly adapting to the new changes after the "double reduction".

  Text/Guangzhou Daily all-media reporter Xie Zekai, Wang Jing intern Fu Yue

  Change: More children participating in out-of-school sports training

  Last summer, the "double reduction" began to be implemented.

This summer vacation a year later, many off-campus sports training institutions can feel the enthusiasm of children to actively participate in physical exercise.

Guangzhou Tianchuang Sports Football Club has been deeply involved in the youth football training sector for a long time.

Compared with the same period last year, the club's attendance this summer showed a good growth momentum.

The person in charge of the club said that it was relatively less difficult to carry out enrollment promotion this year, and parents' willingness to sign up for classes has increased significantly, and they will take the initiative to learn about the club's teaching content, course information, and teachers.

Judging from the overall situation in the past year, the number of students who signed up for football training at the club has increased by two-thirds compared with the previous year, and the students also cover the first grade to the sixth grade.

  There has also been a marked increase in the number of students enrolled in physical education classes with after-school care services on campus.

Over the past year, more students have participated in physical exercise, and third-party institutions participating in after-school care services on campus have also felt this clearly.

  An off-campus sports training institution that provides football courses for school after-school care told reporters that in the school it serves, about 100 people in the school choose football in after-school care services in the 2020-2021 school year, and now this number has doubled. for a while.

Especially in the first and second grades, parents are more willing to let their children participate in physical exercise when there is less homework and no paper exams.

In addition to being in school, parents also send their children to off-campus sports training institutions on weekends.

  Parents: More time for physical exercise after "double reduction"

  Mr. Wu's child is 8 years old this year and has been training football for 2 years.

In addition to playing football in off-campus sports training institutions, the child also insisted on swimming, and also participated in basketball and table tennis interest classes at school.

"On the one hand, it is to cultivate his interest in football, and the most important thing is to allow him to receive more physical exercise." When talking about the original intention of letting children play football, Mr. Wu said.

  Mr. Wu said that the child's athletic talent is not high. When he first came into contact with football, he was not able to concentrate during training. "The effect of training is not obvious, and it seems that there is no progress." However, since participating in the training class of the institution, the child has been very concerned about himself. The requirements gradually became stricter, and the training was much more serious than before.

"Although I have always been a substitute in the team, as long as I play, I dare to fight hard, my running is more active than before, and I am also praised by the coach."

  Mr. Wu said that more exercise time after "double reduction" is of great benefit to children.

After participating in physical exercise, the child's body is much better than before.

  Before the "double reduction", Mr. Wu's children developed the habit of going to bed at 10:30 in the evening and getting up at 6:50 the next morning since the first grade. After the "double reduction", this routine has not changed.

After the "Double Reduction", the children will leave school at 4:00 pm every day and study by themselves in school, and start to participate in basketball and table tennis interest classes after 5:00.

After returning home, the child basically has no written homework, for example, the language homework is mainly based on reading.

Therefore, even on Monday to Friday nights, Mr. Wu can take his children to swim or play football.

  Summer vacation: Discipline training stopped, sports training hot

  As parents pay more and more attention to their children's physical fitness, coupled with the fact that physical education is a scoring subject for the senior high school entrance examination, the full score standard for some items has been improved, and sports training has become increasingly popular.

This summer after the "double reduction", the children took a break from the previous subject training, and sports training became a "must have" for many students in their summer vacation arrangements.

Among them, many quasi-junior third-year students are preparing in advance for next year's sports high school entrance examination.

  After the school starts in September this year, Ms. Huang's daughter Xinxin (pseudonym) will be in the third year of junior high.

The senior high school entrance examination is just around the corner. In order not to let physical education become a shortcoming in the senior high school entrance examination, I chose to participate in the high school entrance examination sports summer training camp.

The class location is on the high school campus opposite my home, which is close to home and safe.

In fact, Xinxin has been participating in off-campus sports training for two years.

Ms. Huang said that her daughter's height and weight have exceeded that of children of the same age since she was a child, and she is more housebound and does not like sports much.

In order to improve the child's physical fitness, when the daughter was young, adults would take her downstairs to exercise every night after dinner, such as walking, skipping rope or cycling, but the effect was not obvious.

  "Professional things still have to be handed over to professionals." Ms. Huang knows that physical fitness training cannot be significantly improved by short-term training. Sports training class.

To Ms. Huang's surprise, her daughter's physical fitness has improved significantly, and she has made great progress in throwing medicine balls and running 800 meters.

Now the child's interest in sports has increased significantly, and he has made very good friends in the training class.

  For the parent, Ms. Lin, she values ​​children who can have a healthy physique and cheerful personality through physical exercise rather than getting high scores in the physical education entrance examination.

Both Ms. Lin and her husband are medical practitioners, and they usually pay more attention to the physical and mental development of their children.

Ms. Lin found that her son's balance and coordination ability in sports is not very good. "I have always wanted to find a professional institution for my child to carry out physical exercise systematically."

  In the summer after graduating from elementary school, my son officially started physical training in an off-campus sports training institution.

"The children liked it very much after I went there, and we think the results are good." Ms. Huang said that now her son is in good shape and his personality has become more cheerful. He is very interested in going to the sports training class and never asks for leave.

Regarding the plan after the high school entrance examination, Ms. Huang said that if the child is willing to continue to study, she and the child's father will still be very supportive.

"After all, I think sports are things that affect his life."

  Institutions: Need to continue to improve the quality of teaching and services

  Off-campus sports training institutions can be favored by more students and parents this summer. In addition to the "double reduction" blessing, it is also inseparable from their own improvement in teaching quality and service quality.

This summer, Guangzhou Tianchuang Sports Football Club will provide pick-up and drop-off services for students who sign up for classes.

Each coach of the club is responsible for the transportation of several students.

This solves the problem that parents who go to work have difficulty picking up and dropping off their children.

  In Huikao Sports, every student will go through a special "examination test" - physical and motor function screening before they actually start training.

Wu Shengyou, head of the Huikao Sports Education Department, introduced that this screening detects the symmetry of human movement through 5 basic movements, from which we can understand students' athletic ability and detect whether students have body problems such as hunched backs and high and low shoulders.

According to the characteristics of students of different ages and the individual basic conditions of different students, personalized training content is arranged for students, and in the daily classroom, fun activities, team sports and other forms will be used to improve the training interest, so as to cultivate children sports interest and exercise habits.

  Many off-campus sports training institutions not only provide courses for school after-school care services, but also open up word of mouth among parents through teaching and services.

During the holidays, parents usually give priority to these institutions when registering for their children's classes.

However, whether on-campus or off-campus, sports training institutions are currently facing a lot of competition. Therefore, it is even more necessary to improve the quality of teaching and service, so as to increase competitiveness, so that it is possible to stand out under the blessing of "double reduction" and gain more parental approval.

  "We position ourselves as a participant in the education service industry, and both teaching and service must be done well. Therefore, we need to find the 'pain points' of parents' needs and solve them for them, such as summer vacation transportation, venue quality, and convenient transportation." The person in charge of Guangzhou Tianchuang Sports Football Club believes that in the long run, to stand out from this industry, institutions need to build standardized teaching, better security, and a more stable teacher and coaching system.

  Support: How to choose an off-campus sports training institution?

  "Whether it is visible physical fitness, physical shape, or physical functions that are invisible to the naked eye, the improvement of physical fitness cannot be achieved in a short period of time, but requires long-term accumulation." Wu Shengyou also observed that, The mentality and concept of parents sending their children to participate in sports training are indeed changing.

In previous years, most of the students who signed up were in the third grade. Now there are more students in the first and second grades, and there are even many elementary school students.

  "The purpose of participating in sports training is not to prepare for the exam, but more importantly to cultivate children's lifelong exercise habits and concepts." In Wu Shengyou's view, children's physical fitness and habits are formed, and it is a matter of course to achieve good results in sports in the senior high school entrance examination. It will also be of great help to future study and work.

  How do parents choose a reliable sports training institution for their children?

Some people in the industry suggest that parents should try their best to visit and inspect the location of the institution when conditions permit.

What needs to be reminded is that parents need to remain calm and make rational choices regarding commitments such as "full marks" thrown out by training institutions.