Seiya Suzuki of the Major League Baseball, Cubs, participated fully in the Pirates game and contributed to the team's 6th straight victory by hitting 2 hits including a home run.

Suzuki started in the Pirates match in Chicago on the 26th with No. 3 Wright, and hit a double in the middle left in the first at bat to mark the first hit in four games.

With this one shot, the Cubs had a chance to reach 1 out, 2nd base and 3rd base, and two consecutive doubles came out to take the lead with 3 points at a time.

Suzuki had a center fly in the second at bat in the third inning and a third at bat in the third at bat in the fifth inning. I did.

The Cubs continued to win 4-2 and extended their winning streak to six.

Suzuki hit a home run for the first time in four games with two hits and one RBI in four at bats, and his batting average rose to 20%, 7 minutes and 2 RBIs.

Pirates Yoshitomo Tsutsugo did not participate.