Seiya Suzuki of the Cubs, a major league baseball player, made a full appearance against the Phillies and hit four hits including a home run.

The teams to which the Japanese players belong were all the first games of the second half of the season on the 22nd, and the Cubs player Suzuki started in the Phillies game in Philadelphia, the home of the opponent, with No. 3 Wright.

He had a center fly in the first at bat in one inning, but hit a pre-light hit in the second at bat in four innings to extend his consecutive game hits to eight.

The third at bat in the fifth inning was an infield hit to the third, and he returned home in a timely manner, followed by a walk in the fourth at bat in the sixth inning and a hit in front of the center in the fifth at bat in the eighth inning.

In addition, he hit No. 7 Touran, which is the home run since the 5th of this month, in the 6th at bat of the 9th inning, and the batting average increased to 20%, 8 minutes and 6 RBIs with 5 at bats, 4 hits and 2 RBIs.

This is the first time in a major league that 4 hits per game.

The Cubs won a big victory 15-2.

Pirates Yoshitomo Tsutsugo started in the Marlins game in Pittsburgh, where he was based, as a No. 4 designated hitter, but he struck out all three at bats and hit no hits in three at bats, with a batting average of 10%, 7 minutes and 3 minutes. rice field.

Pirates lost 1 to 8.

Red Sox pitcher Hirokazu Sawamura pitched with the sixth person in the 8th inning, which was led 5 to 27 in the game against the Blue Jays in Boston, and scored no goals with three batters in two infield grounders and one strikeout. I suppressed it.

He has an ERA of 2.48.

The Red Sox lost 5 to 28.