German Andre Thieme won the derby yesterday, and also succeeded in today's Grand Prix.

The second Falsterbo victory in two days came after a perfectly short turn towards the penultimate obstacle in the jump - a variant that put pressure on everyone who started after him to do the same.

- I saw that they removed the bushes there so I knew it was a possibility, even though I saw that it is very short.

But it is something my horse (Dsp Chakaria) is very good and it turned out perfectly, he says in SVT.

Swedish Henrik von Eckermann on the new horse Nababette Z was one of those who followed, and for him it ended with a second place.

Afterwards, he directed criticism at the track, precisely regarding the decisive turn.

- It was a huge turn back and it was a bit slippery there, he says.

But he was still happy with the success.

- If someone had said that I would be second before you came here, they would definitely have written on it.

Now, of course, they wanted to win instead.

The horse fought on.

I did not get back that turn so well so in the end I have to be happy that I did not have it with my hind legs.
