Experts prescribe summer sports for teens

  Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, July 6 (Reporter Shuai Cai) The summer vacation is coming, and children have more time to participate in physical exercise.

The reporter recently learned from some hospitals in Changsha that the number of adolescent patients with sports injuries has recently increased in the hospital's orthopedics department.

Experts remind that teenagers should pay attention to safety in summer sports and choose sports reasonably.

  Zhang Zhuo, deputy chief physician of the Department of Orthopedics of the Third Hospital of Changsha, introduced that the number of adolescent patients with Achilles tendon injury has increased recently.

Some teenagers ruptured the Achilles tendon while playing football in a fierce physical confrontation with a partner.

  Chen Song, director of the 23rd ward of the Orthopedics Department of Changsha Third Hospital, introduced that the Achilles tendon is the strongest tendon in the human body. Its main function is to transmit the strength of the calf muscles to the feet, and it is the "main force" that supports the human body to stand upright and complete movements such as running and jumping. ".

Actions such as sudden kicks and violent running and jumping can easily lead to rupture of the Achilles tendon.

Once the Achilles tendon is ruptured, there will be obvious pain and swelling in the heel, unable to complete the action of standing on tiptoe and lifting the heel with one foot, and unable to walk normally.

  Experts remind that when teenagers are exercising, if they hear a "pop" rupture at the Achilles tendon, and a palpable depression appears locally, and the heel is swollen and painful, the possibility of the Achilles tendon rupture should be considered, and all activities should be stopped immediately. , so as not to cause the aggravation of the fracture, and go to the hospital for examination and treatment in time.

  Chen Song reminded that before exercising, teenagers should carry out sufficient warm-up activities to stretch the joints and muscles of the whole body and reduce the risk of injury; teenagers should choose appropriate exercise methods according to their physical conditions, and avoid sudden and violent movements such as running and jumping; Teenagers can wear corresponding protective gear during intense sports such as basketball and football to strengthen the protection of muscles and joints.

  Experts remind that young people can find professional coaches to design training programs and plans according to their weight, height, muscle level, etc., and they can also go to the sports department of the hospital to conduct tests to understand their cardiopulmonary function and design scientific exercise programs according to their own conditions.

  Zeng Saizhen, director of the Pediatric Outpatient and Emergency Department of Hunan Provincial People's Hospital, reminded that adolescent bones are softer than adult bones, and are more prone to fracture and deformation during some intense exercise.

Adolescents can choose jogging, rope skipping, sit-ups, swimming, aerobics and other sports according to their own growth and development characteristics.

  Chen Zhiheng, an associate professor of Pediatrics at the Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, suggested that teenagers should not engage in intense outdoor sports during the hot summer season to avoid severe heat stroke.