Midfielder general Linda Sembrant and attacking set Stina Blackstenius were not in collective training in the days before the European Championship premiere against the Netherlands, on Saturday.

Both have been dragged into the collection with injuries and are fighting against the clock to become playable.

But national team doctor Houman Ebrahimi is hopeful.

- Stina got a feeling in the same muscle that she had a feeling in before the match (against Brazil) and now it came back the next day.

Yesterday we did some tests on her and it looks very positive, he says.

- It is not me who decides how many minutes she will play, but my vision is that she should be eligible for the premiere.

Sembrant has a feeling in one calf muscle.

- My hope for her is also good.

CLIP: The Doctor on Sembrant's Injury (June 22, 2022)

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The doctor about Sembrant's injury